Saturday, June 27, 2015

Facebook adds a tool that puts a rainbow on your profile picture and 10 More

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Facebook adds a tool that puts a rainbow on your profile picture

Facebook added a tool that superimposes a rainbow over a user's profile picture.

The best brand reactions to the historic gay marriage decision

#LoveisLove, and brands are brands

Microsoft went all out for its Windows 10 desktop background

When Windows 10 launches on July 29, pay special attention to the default desktop background.

White House gets a rainbow makeover

On Friday evening, red, yellow, violet, blue and green lights covered the White House entryway, attracting a crowd of onlookers.

iOS 9 may slow iPhones by almost 40% to squeeze out more battery life

New benchmarks show iOS 9 will slow down iPhones by about 40% to achieve longer battery life in low power mode.

See Obama's ultimate mic drop moment after SCOTUS healthcare decision

"For one split second, the President's face was blank as if he was trying to comprehend the news. He then reacted in jubilation."

Donald Trump out-Trumps himself, doxes Jorge Ramos

Donald Trump revealed personal information about the Univision anchor via Instagram.

Twitter is erupting with borderline scary excitement over the 'Harry Potter' news

J.K. Rowling has announced an upcoming new play, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, and Twitter has gone into a frenzy.

This is why you should never try to touch the Queen's Guard

A member of the Queen's Guard shouts and draws his rifle when a tourist touches his shoulder.

What the 2016 presidential candidates are saying about the gay marriage ruling

Not everyone was thrilled about the Supreme Court's decision on same-sex marriage. Here's what some of the 2016 presidential candidates are saying.

The Confederate flag isn't what you think it is, according to actual facts

What we call the Confederate Flag today was never actually the official flag of the Confederacy. The more you know.

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