Thursday, April 29, 2010

Using "Shutdown" command to turn off computer

Click Start button. Select Run and type the code below:

shutdown -l -s -r -a -f -m \\computername -t xx -c "comment"

You don’t have to use them all, but the switches must be in this order.

Shutdown Command Switches

No switch

Display information about the shutdown command


Display information about the shutdown command


Log off




Shut down


Cancel a system shutdown already in progress


Force running applications to close without warning

-m \\computername

Instruct a remote computer to shutdown (can be used with the restart & abort switches)

-t xx

Set xx time (in second) for shutdown

-c “comment”

Shut down comment (127 characters maximum)

Shut down computer

Type the code below and press Enter.

shutdown -s

Specify time

Type the code below and press Enter.

shutdown -s -t 600

You have added the “-t” switch and a variable, which in this case is “600″. This number is the number of seconds before the computer is shutdown. A dialog will open and display a count-down timer.

Give some infomation

shutdown -s -t 120 -c "Let’s finish! We are going to shut down."

The “-c” switch will give some information for the shutdown.

Shut down a network computer

shutdown -s -m \\networkcomputername -t 600

The “-m” switch will shut down a network computer, in this case, a computer named “networkcomputername”.

You must have administrative access to this computer to control it. To check it out, click Start and select Run. Type \\networkcomputername

If you can connect to it, you will be asked to log in with a username and a password. Once confirmed, a window will open displaying the directories available to you. Now you can shut it down remotely.

Cancel “shutdown” command

Type the code below and press Enter.

shutdown -a

This will abort the “shutdown” command.

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