Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Facebook will warn users if governments are hacking their profiles and 10 More

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Facebook will warn users if governments are hacking their profiles

Facebook is now warning users if it detects a user's account is being targeted or compromised by a government.

When Cleveland released 1.5 million balloons and two guys died

Cleveland broke the world record for simultaneous release of balloons. What happened next wasn't so great.

Hacker breaches CIA director's email, threatens to do the same to Trump and Hillary

Hacker breaches CIA Director's email, threatens to do the same to Trump and Hillary

Apple removes apps that collected users' private data

Apple has pulled several apps from its store, following security researchers' findings that hundreds of iOS apps have been accessing users' private data.

This 7-person family actually loves sharing one giant bed

5 kids, 2 parents, 1 incredible bed.

Aussie tourist robs Thailand bank with fake gun to buy plane ticket home

An Australian tourist has been arrested in Thailand after robbing a bank with a fake gun in an attempt to get enough money to fly home.

Tumblr geeks are losing it over a 'Sexy Gandalf' costume

Tjitske Van Vark, an 18-year-old woman from Melbourne, dressed as Sexy Gandalf on Muck Up Day.

21 office-appropriate Halloween costumes for the company party

Here are 21 office-appropriate Halloween costumes that won't land you a surprise meeting with your boss -- unless it's to tell you that you won the company costume contest.

9 hairstyles Donald Trump should try if he wants to be taken seriously

You'd be surprised what a little trim, cut and color can do.

Apple may replace your MacBook Retina's 'stained' screen for free

Apple quietly launched a program to replace "stained" MacBook Retina screens free of charge, according to a report.

Justin Trudeau becomes Canada's next prime minister

Canadians voted for a sharp change in their government Monday, resoundingly ending Conservative Stephen Harper's attempt to shift the nation to the right and returning a legenda...

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