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The Syrian Electronic Army struck again Saturday, hacking a Twitter account that belongs to Microsoft.
YouTube star Phil Defranco has built a video empire on Internet commentary. He shares his favorite hits and misses at the 2014 International CES.
Last month, Apple offered a free holiday playlist through the Apple Store app for iPhone.
High-end retailer Neiman Marcus revealed on Saturday that it suffered a major credit-card security breach.
Fitness gadgets are hot on the market right now, but wristband trackers are not the only gadget that can whip you into shape.
Five people have been hospitalized in the wake of a major water contamination incident in West Virginia according to local news reports.
Buckle up, crank the engine and … record a Vine video? Vine users are filming a scary amount of footage behind the wheel.
We're here to say all the things you wish you could on your friends' Instagram.
The Internet is full of financial advice, but here are three great sites you should definitely consider.
Another contender in the smartwatch space, the Neptune Pine packs two cameras and a fully functional Android 4.1 OS.
WASHINGTON — The alien worlds known as "super-Earths" may be more like our own planet than previously thought, a new study suggests. Super-Earths — exoplanets slightly larger ...
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